Laugh Your Way to Better Mental Health: The Benefits of Humor
The role humor plays in improving mental
Humor is often overlooked when discussing how to improve your mental
routines, or taking part in exercise are usual suggestions when asking for
mental health. But did you know that
healthy and stable mental health.
When you're dealing with stressful events or troublesome periods in your life, it can be difficult to develop healthy habits. This is when humor can play a vital part in helping you relax at the end of a stressful day.
Humor is slowly becoming more widely used as a way to treat a range of
mental health
conditions, let’s find out how humor can help improve your mental health.
They say laughter is the best medicine, and we couldn't agree more. And although if it might not solve all of life's issues, it makes it simpler to deal with the ones that do arise. Have you ever given up laughing as a way to get through a difficult circumstance a try? It's almost like taking a short break from all the tension and anxiety in your life. And the most exciting thing is... It is at no cost! Try to make light of difficult situations by laughing them off the next time life deals you a curveball. Maybe you'

ll find the challenge more manageable than you initially thought. Plus, those belly laughs will give your abdominal muscles a good workout.
How can humor improve our mental health?
1- Create a positive mindset- People who often use humor as a reaction to life challenges are less likely to get caught up with negative feelings and overwhelming thoughts. Remembering to look on the bright side of situations can take some practice if youre not used to it but this will eventually create a positive mindset and approach toward life.
2- Give you a break from feeling stressed- Taking part in humor can give you a must needed break from worrying if this has become your norm. Humor can allow you to rest and relax especially after stressful situations. You’ve heard the term ‘you either laugh or cry’? Sometimes laughing after a stressful situation can help you release some of the emotion and tension that has built up during what happened.
3- Maintain social relationships- Humor enhances bonds and connections between people, Spend an evening with close friends, catch up, and have fun. You will naturally begin to relax and feel more positive.
Sharing humor with loved ones and colleagues can also help you improve your mental health so it is important to remember not to isolate yourself when you feel you might be struggling with your mental health.
4- Reconnect to your ‘self’ -Humor allows you to reconnect to your inner self whilst outwardly expressing yourself in a humorous way. By taking part in humor you will lighter and happier and begin to feel emotions such as sadness and anger drift away.
5- Reduce anxiety and depression Taking part in humor daily can also reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, as it helps focus on the positive side of life and ignoring negative feelings. Most people use humor to cope with stressful events that trigger anxiety and hard feelings, helping them release negative emotions and develop resilience.
Laughter and humor in general have real benefits for our physical, psychological, and social
well-being. When humor is experienced naturally, it can lighten the mood in an entire room, and waft away lingering feelings of overwhelm, stress, and anxiety after a stressful event or
situation. Humor can be used as a coping mechanism to help escape negative feelings, but the more you take part in humor the more beneficial it will become to helping improve your mental health.

Therefore, the next time you find yourself struggling to think of a solution to an issue, attempt to incorporate laughing and humour into finding a solution to the difficulty you are facing. You may be amazed by its efficiency—putting on dance moves to stimulate your creative thinking. According to the findings of one study, who watched a humorous video before tackling a problematic activity fared significantly better than those who did not see the video. Therefore, the next time you find yourself in a rut, pause and laugh with some friends. You never know what ideas or solutions can come to you, so always keep an open mind!
Do you use humor in your life to help you cope with stressful situations?
When was the last time you laughed so much you couldn’t breathe? What was it about?
How else could humor help improve your mental health?
How often do you intentionally incorporate humor and laughter into your daily routine, and how has it impacted your mental health?
Are there certain situations or people that you find it easier or harder to laugh with, and why?
Can you think of a time when humor helped you cope with a difficult situation or challenge? How did it make you feel?