Daily gratitude
nursing and stress: the importance of Gratitude & happy thoughts are gold nuggets of health
Gratitude and the ability to show thanks and appreciation can help us be happier and healthier in our daily lives.
Showing gratitude and receiving gratitude can ease negative feelings during difficult times.
Let's explore more about what gratitude is and how it can benefit your mental health and overall well-being.
What is gratitude?
The dictionary states that gratitude is the quality of being thankful and displaying a readiness to show appreciation for kindness and to return it.
Why is gratitude important?
Practicing gratitude regularly will help you focus on what you have and not what you haven't. Teaching yourself to look for the positives in your life will help improve the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of your life.
What are the benefits of gratitude?
There are countless benefits to practicing gratitude. Below is a list of some of the most prominent and noticeable benefits you may experience.
● It can make you happier
● It can improve your mental well-being
● It can improve your physical health
● It can increase your self-esteem
● It can help you make friends
● It can improve your sleep
● It can help you deal with difficult experiences
How can I practice gratitude?
There is no right or wrong way to practice gratitude; below we have compiled a short list of examples of how you can start including gratitude in your life.
● Meditation- Studies have shown that gratitude meditation can improve emotion regulation and self-motivation. This meditation focuses on being thankful for areas in your life and the world around you.
● Gratitude mapping helps you create a visual mood board that includes everything you are thankful for. Place it somewhere; you will look at it often.
● Gratitude jars- Fill a jar with notes of things you are grateful for. Take one out each day or when you're feeling down to remind you of everything good in your life.
● Gratitude journals- similar to a daily diary, but instead of recapping the day's event, you write down things you are grateful for each day.
When should I practice gratitude?
Starting a new routine or habit can be helpful to do it at the same time every day.
Try to choose a time when you can practice gratitude without interruptions and develop excuses.
Many people practice gratitude first thing in the morning, which helps them feel optimistic for the rest of the day.
How to write a gratitude list
Writing your first gratitude list can feel overwhelming; what do you include? Is there a sure way to write it? How long should it be?
Follow our handy tips below to help you get started, including gratitude each day.
Don't feel you have to write a long list every time you write a gratitude list. 3-5 gratitude's each time you sit down to write are enough.
Be specific as possible; this helps you focus on the world around you. You'll surprise yourself with what you are thankful for.
Include lots of detail to help you remember your gratitude in the future.
Focus on experiences and people rather than objects and possessions.
Don't worry about your handwriting, spelling, or grammar; let your gratitude flow freely on the page.
Aim to write between 1 and 3 lists a week when starting.
Make sure to bullet point your list so you can easily see each gratitude.
Have you given gratitude today?
What three things are you most grateful for at this moment in time?
What time of day is best for you to write a gratitude list?

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