The Link Between Shift Work and Poor Mental Health in Nurses
Everybody knows the resilience and grit needed to work in the healthcare
profession. Not only do nurses and doctors go through long hours of physical labour,
but they also have to go through situations that exhaust their mental capacities.
Experiences that the general public would probably never go through they handle daily
a daily basis.
While nurses are praised for their work and help millions of people across the globe
recover from their illnesses, it is not commonly recognized how exhausting their work
can be.

Shift work and changing shift patterns
Shift patterns for nurses can vary, they are usually offered 8-hour shifts or 12-hour
shifts. Nurses are not expected to work more than 48 hours a week but can volunteer
to take on more hours. Taking on more hours is becoming the norm within nursing at
the moment as many hospitals struggle to retain staff and keep ratios of nurses to
patients at a safe level.
Studies show that this increased number of hours, as well as multiple unsociable
hour shifts, has a direct link to the number of nurses experiencing burnout.
Effect of Long Work Hours

Signs of burnout
● Feeling tired or exhausted.
● Feeling helpless or trapped in your situation.
● Feeling detached or as if no one else is experiencing the same feelings as
● Experiencing negative thoughts.
● Self-doubt.
● Procrastinating and taking a long time to get things done.
● Feeling overwhelmed.
● Feeling overly emotional.
Nurses are sometimes seen as inhuman, angels sent from heaven to heal the sick
and it is easy to forget that they need support and rest the same as we do.
It’s important to stop putting pressure on nurses to help them overcome the guilt
feel when taking time out for themselves. Without looking after their mental
health, their guilt, they cannot be fully present for their patients and provide high-quality care.
1. Do you ever take on overtime at work?
2. Have you taken on extra hours even when you felt exhausted out of a sense
of duty?
3. What is the longest shift you’ve worked? Did you get enough rest afterwards
before returning to work?
More Posts:
- The Impact of Shift Work on Digestive Health: Exploring the Challenges Faced by Night Shift Workers
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